
Does the Pope like adoptees?

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Does the Pope like adoptees?




  1. Well, I hope so.  Catholic Charities has certainly pumped a lot of cash into his machine.

    And getting babies for infertile 'good' Catholics probably brings in the bucks, too.  Seems like those APs would be grateful, no?

  2. The church is against abortion, and does not approve of invitro but does approve of GIFT because it is done within the body.  If you cannot get pregnant these ways than it is supposed to be a sign that you should adopt if you want kids.  

    I don't know about the whole saving babies for "good" Catholics only, but I do know that anything that happens is between you and God and what other people say isn't going to make an ounce of difference when you're in front of Him.

    Update:  Good article on Catholic funerals and stillborn or miscarried babies for those whose research is not up to date.  About Guatemala and the Pope.

  3. Dear Surfnerd,

    I think he likes the Catholic ones best.

    ...Sorry, couldn't help it.

    Seriously, the Catholic Church has a long history with reproductive issues and what do do with "unwanted" children.

    In the "old days" many abandoned children were, in fact, "adopted" and RAISED by the Church. BTW, the Cathoic Church hasn't ALWAYS been anti-abortion:

    Religion and reproduction are so often intertwined...

    Thanks for yet another interesting (and for me, educational) question.

  4. Sure.  They're like little non-aborted feti.  And as long as they stay just as silent as non-aborted feti, they're great fun.

  5. The Pope is a forgiving man in his line of work.  It's never the adoptee's fault that they were adopted, it is the parent's fault why they were adopted, and the Pope loves them too.  

    He might not like them, but he loves them.

  6. whats wrong with us??

    haha im a Roman-Catholic adoptee so i dont know why he wouldnt like me

    like above said, God loves everyone so the Pope should too!!

  7. The Pope loves all people.

  8. I'm not Roman Catholic so it makes no difference to me but I can't see why he wouldn't.

  9. Well I can tell you that many people in Guatemala where thousands of children are being adopted out of the country, despise the current Pope.  

    I would hate to have been one of those young boys smuggled out of the country that had to live with one of the priests in the US.

    Its odd that the church is against abortions but yet will not perform catholic burial for children born still birth because they are not considered a christian. HMM.

  10. God loves everyone,

    the Pope should too.

  11. Of course.

    Catholics have run orphanages for centuries.

    Giving a child up for adoption instead of having an abortion is a heroic choice.

    With love in Christ.

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