
Does the Pre-season Cup have a Grand Final?

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was just making sure its called a Grand Final, some people in here think its not a Grand Final.




  1. It does the hawks won about five of them through the late eightys sometime refered as the night preimers

  2. It is called the NAB Cup GF.

  3. yes it does but not a real one


  5. Yes and the conpetition generally takes the name of its major sponsor which at the moment is NAB so it's currently the NAB cup grand final but in previous years it has been known as the Ansett Cup and the Fosters Cip.

  6. Well thank God for that definition Andy, In that case the mighty Cats didn't have to wait 44 years for a flag at all or should I say premiership or is it Grand Final.  Well whatever, it was only 43 years - phew tfcft :-)

  7. yeah it does, the NAB cup is what they play for.

  8. Yes it does

  9. No is does not

  10. yep it sure does, and i wish the saints hadnt won it this year. I hate the saints!

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