
Does the Queen ever argue with Phillip about whats on t.v?

by  |  earlier

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of course this is assuming they are both too tired from all that crowd waving to walk the couple of metres to the next room!




  1. I don't know, but I think the people should kick their hind ends out of that building and make 'em get real jobs. Their no better than the rest of us.

  2. I would guess that they can afford multiple DVR's and TV's if they even know what one is.  Seems they live in the 19th century sometimes.

  3. ,Royalties are people with emotion like all humans

    Of course Royals will argue.I am sure there are more then one TV in the  Royal Pales

  4. I have no idea!!! Why??? U funny?

  5. Argue may be a bit strong, disagree probably, but  I am sure there is another TV or two in other rooms for separate viewing.

  6. No, I bet he sits there and lets her watch watever she wants like a puppy with his tail between his legs.

  7. I've heard that some of the really rich people can afford 2 TV's.

    I'm skeptical myself. But I suppose it's just barely possible.

  8. I think they probably have more than one TV.

  9. 0f c0urse they d0! @11 c0uples d0!

  10. i don't understand what you mean

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