
Does the Queen of England have a driver's license?

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I heard somewhere she drives without one. I know she learned in the military service, but I can't find whether or not she's actually licensed.




  1. boby- sorry mam could i see ur drivers licence pls?

    qe- young man did u finish history at school?

    boby- yes mam but im just doin me job.

    qe- how absurd...did u know that crown on your cap is the

    crown under the queen of england?

    boby- yes mam but the chief constable says we need to check drivers licence...

    qe- allright go and tell that gentleman to come to my home at windsor castle or call my secretary as igot many homes

    oh by the way... u want to see my llicence yes? got a shilling or a pound note?

    seeing is believing yes?

    boby- sorry mam pls forgive your humble peasant

  2. if she is in public what's the purpose? she's got people to do that.

    on private property, she can do whatever the heck she wants to do!

  3. I believe she does, tho' I suspect she doesn't have to carry it or go into an office to renew it.

    During WWII she learned to repair trucks and jeeps and drove an ambulance, so she would have qualified to drive then. As an adult she liked to drive herself for her weekends out of the capital. Friday afternoon she would drive out of Buckingham Palace, followed by her protection team, for Windsor Castle. In Scotland, when the children were small she would drive from Balmoral into the village to run errands on weekends. And I believe when she and Philip were stationed in Malta, that she drove there.

    I suspect that now as a woman of her age she probably doesn't take the wheel, which doesn't mean she wouldn't if she felt like it.

    Philip had a modified London cab that he liked to drive himself when he was in London. (Given his sense of humour, I wouldn't have been surprised to hear of him picking up a fare just for the laugh.)

  4. no, and also people, she drives only on the crown or her private property ( which are 2 different things.)

  5. No , she is exempt, no one else has that privilige, as far as I know.

  6. Does it matter?  I wouldn't think so.

  7. Why?  The only place she drives is Balmoral and maybe the grounds of Windsor Castle (if there are any).

  8. MONGOL ... LOL .

    In America, it works the same.

    We show the green and the problems go away.  If you forget to show, no worries,  our cop, (equivalent of your bobby) will remember to ask for the money.

    LOL .. take care . seeing is believing!

    Keep the faith!

  9. why would she needs a drivers license when she has people to drive her around?

  10. Mate, I doubt she'd need one.  What Bobby in their right mind is going to ticket the Queen?

  11. Yes - She apparently learned to drive while working in the Army during WWII.

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