
Does the Queen...?

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Does the Queen get a government pension since she is over 65 years old?




  1. good question and i really don't know, though i wouldn't think so.

  2. Yes she pays tax and yes she gets a pension. As if she hasn't got enough monies etc. Leeches all of them.

  3. Not sure,but going a bit further does she get the heating allowance too?I guess as a pensioner she is entitled to the same as the lesser mortals,even if she doesn't need them.

  4. A pension is a steady income given to a person (usually after retirement). Pensions are typically payments made in the form of a guaranteed annuity to a retired or disabled employee. Therefore, the answer is no since the Queen is still receiving an annual salary of $12 million pounds a year in exchange for her service (royal duties) that she performs for her nation.

    Note: The Queen will not be retiring anytime soon even though at the age of 81 (almost 82) she is still scheduling herself with more than 1,000 royal engagements every year.

  5. No she doesn't

  6. more importantly will she use the free bus pass she's entitled to? i'd love to see that

  7. The Queen is not entitled to a state pension. To qualify one has to have paid National Insurance Contributions for a set number of years, and she has never paid. She now pays Income Tax on her personal wealth, like anyone else, but that is entirely different.

  8. Probably she gets everything else from us.

  9. she's the queen why would she need pension when she can have whatever she wants

  10. Does she pay tax on her earnings?

    If she pays tax then in theory she gets a pension.

  11. Yes, together with a free bus pass (which she uses on a regular basis).

  12. no, because the royals are not citizens, they can't vote or anything.

  13. I dont think she needs it to be honest, good question tho, wonder if she gets a bus pass too.

  14. No. The Queen will never receive a pension because she will never retire from her job. Her job is a job for life.

  15. Well she pays taxes now (after the Windsor fire thing), so I think she is entitled to a pension. She probably needs the bit extra, I mean Corgie and and horse feed is not cheap these days and then the holidays in Scotland, it's hard to make ends meet these days.

  16. Doesn't that depend on if she has paid her National Insurance?
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