
Does the Queen still get money from Canadian taxpayers or other countries within the Commonwealth?

by Guest60046  |  earlier

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Does the Queen still get money from Canadian taxpayers or other countries within the Commonwealth?




  1. Contrary to common misconception, Canadians do not pay any money to the Queen, either for personal income or to support the royal residences outside of Canada. Only when the Queen is in Canada, or acting abroad as Queen of Canada, does any Canadian government support her in the performance of her duties. This rule applies equally to other members of the Royal Family.

    Provincial and federal records of expenditures associated with the Crown are kept, but no official report on the cost of the monarchy to Canadians is compiled. However, every three years the Monarchist League of Canada issues a survey, based on various federal and provincial government budgets, expenditures and estimates, that outlines a yearly cost for the functioning of the Crown. The 2005 survey found that the institution cost Canadians roughly $49 million in 2004.

    Previous surveys found that the overall cost of the Canadian Crown was $22 million in 1999 and $34 million in 2002. (This does not take into account the inflation of the Canadian Dollar over these years).

    Usually the Queen's Canadian governments pay only for the costs associated with the Governor General and Lieutenant Governors in their exercising of the powers of the Crown on behalf of the Queen, including travel, security, residences, offices, ceremonial occasions, etc.

    The Cost of Canada’s Constitutional Monarchy -

    $1.10 per Canadian

  2. No

  3. Who cares about Canada. The USA gave the Kings and Queens of England the boot back in 1776. HAHAHAHAHA! USA USA USA

  4. NOPE! sorry

  5. Malaysia's a Commonwealth country. For God's sake, the Queen doesn't get anything from Malaysians as we'd gained our independence a long time ago.

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