
Does the RNZAF (Royal New Zealand Air Force) need to get its combat wing back?

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What do you think? remember NZ is not at war and is a small and peaceful country. its only combat aircrafts (skyhawks) were decommisioned in 2001(?)




  1. Yes. It should. It isn't that far from the North Island to the hotbeds of Jemma Islamiya in Indonesia and Malaysia. And the Aussies on the other side of the Tasmin are a bit busy in Afghanistan and Iraq at the moment. Even your own SAS lads are pitching in with the effort in Afghanistan. But you won't see it happening until Helen Clark becomes a super annuitant.  

  2. Yes!!!

            It was a pacifist decision of the NZ government of Helen Clark. It was also a cost cutting measure. The deal was that if anything went wrong we in Australia would rush to the defence of NZ.

    While this is great in theory we are busy buying new aircraft for ourselves at the moment. They will be some time coming from the US.  They are a very powerful aircraft and should be excellent.

    It would be good if NZ had similar air power if it could manage to purchase it. The ones that Australia is getting are a replacement for the outdated F - III's.

    I think that your question is an interesting one for consideration. NZ also has limited potential for aircraft carriers and aircraft of this type usually go with aircraft carriers. Like a lot of purchases you buy one thing and then there is an add - on.


    OK!!! We know Helen is a nice lady. But it is a fact that all the scaling down happened under her watch. We do appreciate all the hard work you do in Afghanistan and the Pacific. It is just that the extra wings would come in handy.

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