
Does the Republican Party need an overhaul?

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I think that both Parties do, but I really believe the Republicans need it more. I know that there are some racist and bias Dems, but Republicans supporters and pundits seem to make the most nasty and base of statements. Since they can't argue policies, they insult race, gender, religion, etc. Anything it seems to scare votes out of their base. The Dems are guilty too, but to a far lesser degree. What is up with the Grand Oil Party?




  1. lol...

    on the talk show's who is saying america is racist if obama loses?

    o ya that's the dem's..

    i agree that the republicans need an overhaul but for diff reasons.

    ron paul would have been perfect.

    less governement is what the republican's should be for and it's sad when such a candidate is shutout so much because he is not the current typical candidate for the republicans and not for big government as both parties are for despite what they might say.  

  2. no. you need to worry about your socialist party and let real Americans take care of themselves.

  3. If you're so against oil, stop driving.  Otherwise, study a bit of history.  

  4. What is up with the GOP is exactly what the founders predicted if political parties were formed and hi-jacked the election process!

  5. yes it needs to be shut down.

  6. Are you living in some Bizarro world where things are reversed?  What are you talking about?

  7. They have become so arrogant and out-ouf-touch with most of America.

    McCain's latest stunt is the culmination of the Republican decay.

    They need reform. Start with disavowing racism and hatred against minority and science.

  8. No, it needs a Red Bull e***a, administered by an industrial pump.

  9. Yes...and an "oil" change.

  10. The Republicans have been come the part of obstruction, corruption, and abuse of power.  They've been in charge for WAY too long, and they've turned everything they touched to dust.  The military, the economy, civil rights, our prestige abroad - Republicans have ruined it all.  Even Buckley, before he died, said that Republicans need to lose this election and go into the wilderness for a while to cleanse themselves.

    The party needs either an overhaul or it needs to die and be replaced by something less destructive to the American way of life.

  11. I wholeheartedly disagree with your assertion that Republicans are more guilty that Democrats when it comes to getting insulting and nasty instead of sticking to the issues.  My experience and observations have been the opposite.  I do however agree that the Republicans need an overhaul.  Far too many of them don't stick to conservative principles where it counts most.

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