
Does the Republican party deserve another four years?

by Guest61013  |  earlier

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Does the Republican party deserve another four years?




  1. Honestly... as a Republican.... no I don't think so... and on the flip side I don't think the Democrats deserve it either.... Obama has just promised a ton of things that Clinton had promised and didn't deliver on... and McCain has promised on things that the American Public as a whole don't want to deliver on... :/ they both have promised things to get votes (naturally) but how disappointed are the Obama followers going to be if he becomes president and he doesn't deliver that universal health care?

    I think this election the Third Party is the way to go... that is why I will most likely vote for Ron Paul this election....

  2. NO;-)

  3. h**l No.

    Pardon my French.

  4. Yes. Without the do nothing democratic congress.

  5. I have done pretty d**n good the past 8, so yea.

    But it really does not matter....your candidate has an approx 8% chance of winning so you are going to have to live with it or move to Mexico.

  6. Negative.


  7. No.

  8. No

  9. Do the Democrats deserve 4 more in Congress?

  10. I believe that they do.  America is not being destroyed nor has it gone down the toilet.  Gas prices are not really very bad (look at Europe) when you consider that America utilizes most of the world's oil.  We deserve to pay more.  The economy is fine.  Every time people use a bad economy as a reason for Republican failure, it goes back up.  That is what economies do.  They fluctuate.  Anyway,  I think the Republicans are doing a fine job.  There is room for improvement in many areas, but I don't think the Democrats can deliver on all the "change" they are promising overnight anymore than the Republicans can.  It's a big government and it takes time.  Good luck to McCain, he has my vote.  But also cheers to Obama, because he has many stances that Republicans would do well to emulate.

  11. The question is not what they deserve, the question is what they can do. Republicans/Bush were destroying country for 8 long years. Can they change the course overnight ? Don't think so. Especially given McCain's ability to insist on mistakes - that is called stupidity.

  12. Nope.

  13. My life has been o.k.  

  14. No and that goes for the senate and house also.

  15. They only won the war in Iraq...badly crippled the terrorist network...then the democrats won the senate and house in 2006 and gas went up and economy went to the out we don't need to give any public office to the democrats.

  16. OMG NO...

    This country is in the sh*tter so obviuosly republicans are doing something wrong

    **OBAMA 08***

  17. Nope.  

  18. More than Obama deserves 1..

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