
Does the Saigon Quang Binh hotel offer corporate discounts to diabolical geniuses and their hench-boys?

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Does the Saigon Quang Binh hotel offer corporate discounts to diabolical geniuses and their hench-boys?




  1. Only if you can hand over a handful of skittles and a daughter or two.  That'll get you the penthouse suite, I heard it's amazingly good for a grass-hut hotel ;)

  2. yes, and fie dolla boom boom as well.

  3. Ill be in the kitchen with the cannibal gremlins,

    a bottle of scotch,

    and a grin on my face,

    whats for diner?


  4. ^He has had wayyyy to much Futility Quang Bang.

    As a matter of fact, we got a group discount package for staying here until Freaky either explodes or calms down. I will check on your specific request.... yees, the manager said diabolic geniuses can get a discount, but they must actually prove they are diabolical. Do you have a picture of you stroking a white cat and aiming a laser at the moon or something? Also, you will need a picture ID from SPECTRE or a Chuck E Cheese employee ID card.

  5. Whoa, whoa, whoa... You got hench-boys and didn't even ask me to be one? That's it, I'm giving you the silent treatment now. I'll answer your Q when I'm not so upset.

  6. Are you going to the convention, too? I already reserved the Presidential Suite, but feel free to stop in and use the hot tub. I've got a bottle of Johnny Walker Red and a cigar with your name on it...

  7. Hench boys? Are you raising your own hench men from scratch. You are a diabolical genius.

  8. Yes, but you have to have the coupon and a goat's head to get the discount.

    The "happy ending" costs extra.

  9. Only during monsoon.

    It's best not to go when Madonna & Angelina Jolie are there looking for fresh children because they buy up whole floors and put a crimp on room availability.

  10. LMAO

    what hotel?

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