
Does the Scarborough Town Centre R.T. stop at Yorkdale mall?

by Guest44813  |  earlier

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If not, how can you get to Yorkdale mall by bus/subway from the STC bus station?




  1. You're probably confused with Yorkdale and Scarborough Town Centre.

    The Scarborough RT stops at Scarborough Town Centre. If you want to go to York Dale, you have to get on the yellow line from Kennedy Station (assuming you're in Scarborough).. you go all the way to "St. George Station" and take a train going north to "York Dale Station". That's where the mall is.


  2. from yorkdale take the spadina subway line northbound to wilson station then from their take the 84 to sheppard  yonge station then take the sheppard  subway to don mills station then from there take the 190 scarbough ctr rocket to Scarborough  center. then exit the ttc walking out to Scarborough  town center.  

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