
Does the U.S. ship our oil to other countries?

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Does the U.S. ship our oil to other countries?




  1. yes

  2. For the most part, no, because it's cheaper to keep it here.  But some Alaskan oil does go overseas.  The state of Alaska and the oil companies operating there fought a long court battle against the federal government to win the right to do so, back in the 90s.

  3. "Does the U.S. export oil? Surprisingly, yes - but the amount is trivial, about 20,000 barrels per day vs. our 10,000,000 and more b/d imports. All exported crude goes to Canada, where it is likely refined and sent back as gasoline"

    source and additional information here:

  4. Yes!, but we import much more than we export.

  5. yup we do, we import far more of course so this does nothing to help our balance of trade, only makes it worse.

    the oil companies make money doing this and then make more money when they import an equal amount of oil to replace what they just sent overseas.

    clever chaps aren't they?

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