
Does the UK and Ireland use the same currency?

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  1. england is pound and ireland is euro and if your changing euro into pounds you currently get around 72 pence for every euro and vica versa not very good i know!! northern ireland is still pound though ( in case you dont know thats the counties fermanagh ,antrim , tyrone , derry , armagh , down) !!

  2. no in Ireland we have the euro and the UK have there own currency

  3. no,uk uses the pound sterling and ireland uses the euro

  4. most of Ireland uses euro except for the north so we're always having to change between the two currencys.stg is alot stronger though so the euro looses out

  5. Its the pound in the UK and the euro in Ireland. They're easy to exchange though

  6. UK uses pounds sterling and Ireland has the Euro.

    One euro is currently worth about 79p sterling

  7. The UK (England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland) use the Great Britain Pound (GBP). The Republic if Ireland uses the Euro (EUR).

  8. No, they use the Euro in the Republic and the pound still in the UK, but some places will take either and exchanging is fairly easy.

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