
Does the UK or America recognise any organisation as a valid resistment movement?

by Guest63999  |  earlier

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Just thinking about this in my head. I'm thinking they don't. Which would also lead me to ask: What do you think of this?

If thinking for yourself is terrorism, then think about the propaganda and spin in the media. Could it be that not every 'terrorist' organisation is not a terrorist organisation?




  1. We do from time to time. Others have cited good examples. The reason you have trouble thinking of them is because the resistance movements we support usually become the new government. Vichy France all the way to Iraqi and Kurdish resistance under Saddam.

    Don't confuse resistance with terrorism. Terrorists deliberately kill innocents and seek to sew terror. Resistance movements try to attack only government and military targets and seek regime change or major policy changes.

  2. Yes, both the UK and USA recognised and supported the French, Italian, Yugoslav and other anti n**i resistance movements during WWII. Also, they supported many anti communist resistance movements. However I believe that your real question is if the UK or USA supports any Muslim terrorist organisation which call them selves resistance movement. The answer is NO. The UK and USA do NOT support hijackers, suicide bombers, those murderers who committed the Munich massacre, 9/11, London and Madrid bombings, kidnappings and Kassam attacks on Israel. They are terrorists who should be punished, NOT recognised by democratic countries.

  3. kosovo we supported their independence from Sebia recently.

  4. lets not forget though that all the conspiracy theorys you read about could also be spin and conspiracies in them selves!  trust no one i say :) but back to your original question i think what the americans and my country are trying to do is spread democracy throughout the world well thats the claim anyway but then there is always this question of money changing hands that raises a few eyebrows isn`t there so who really know theres alot of mixed opinions about it all thats for sure.

  5. I'm pretty sure they considered the Mujahedeen of Afghanistan (during the Soviet invasion in the 80s) valid resisters, since they did supply arms to them and what not.  Ironically, I believe Osama was a part of that illustrious group...

  6. Since there's no such word as "resistment", your question has no meaning.  The last sentence has no meaning either.  If you are asking if the UN is respected by most Americans and British, the answer is probably "no".  No reasonable or educated person would consider thinking for yourself as being terrorism, so the entire question is not relevant.

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