
Does the UK require US passports valid for six months before entering the UK.? The US does not have this rule

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I am planning to travel to the UK on June 25 and return July 16. My US passport expires in August. Does the UK REQUIRE that the passport be valid for a minimum period or is it ok to travel in and out as long as the passport is valid. The US, for example, does not require the passport to be valid for a six months period. As long as you get in and out before the passport expires you are OK. US citizens do not require VISA to enter the UK.




  1. Try site in "sources" below.

  2. Most countries state that there must be at least six months remaining on the passport for international have to take into consideration the unlikely event that you will be taken ill, and then hospitalised for a given amount of time, which then makes your passport invalid.

    When I went to America a few years ago I had to have the six months validity on my passport...

  3. No, some countries have that rule, but the UK is not one of them, at least for US passports. I took my son to the UK last christmas, and had no problems with his passport expiring at the end of January. We checked with both the US and the UK passport authorities and both said the same thing - as long as the passport is valid for the period of the intended stay evidenced by the return ticket, then theres no problem.

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