
Does the UK run more smoothly when Parliament is in recess?

by  |  earlier

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Should the MPs be awarded a prolonged(permanent), unpaid break?




  1. the uk would work better if i was in charge

    i would send prisoners to a prison not a bed and breakfest

    good bye paid benafit hello weekly coupons

    i would make prisons horrific as well (no one will wanna go there) torture

    deport illiegal imigrants

  2. Yes, let's get rid of them for good! God knows how the country would fare but it couldn't be much worse than it is now!

  3. this government would be better served if it quit and let someone else have a go,  

  4. Yes.

    However now it will be running a lot in recess(ion)!  Though if you docked their pay there is still all those lucrative directorships and the lobbying work.

    So we can't really win.  Can we?

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