
Does the UN have the right to tell the UK Government to hold a referendum on scrapping the Royal Family?

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  1. Fine, have a referendum.

    I know who I'm standing by.

    God Save The Queen.

  2. What about the Arab Princes? Will the UN tell them to give up their Royalty? Of course not,

    they have to much oil for the UN to miss out on.

    It is Sovereign states that are backing the UN.

    The UN should be doing the job it was formed for, helping to keep the dictators at bay. in stead they sit round a table and watch thousands of men, women and children die.

    I say hands off our Royals, although some people think it would be better to have a President. Look around you and see what is happening to countries that have Presidents. While the UN is knocking UK it takes the focus of them, doing a crappy job.!!!!

  3. Er, no. Of course it doesn't. Who says it does?

    The UN is a collection of sovereign states, it can't tell members how to run their own governments.

  4. No.  The UN can't interfere in the internal affairs of its members.

  5. The United Nations has the right to recommend that the United Kingdom hold a referendum, but likewise, Parliament has a right to disregard their recommendation.  The United States has been ignoring UN resolutions for years.  Welcome to the politically-incorrect, imperialist, Eurocentric club.

  6. Maybe they do, maybe they don't, but we have the right to tell them to s*d off!!

  7. Why not?  I don't suppose for a moment that the British people will pay any attention to it though.  We do prefer our own revolutions if we're going to have one.  Last time out Victory went to HM Queen.

    Tomorrow is the Queen's official birthday.

    Massed Bands, Brigade of Guards

    . . . don't think a republic will suit us really. . . .not yet. . .

  8. The goverment should have given us the chance to vote for or against the so called royals years ago. It good to see UN sees them as an expense we can well do without. Bring on the referendum, and let the royals see just how many people no longer want this useless family.

  9. No,they don't! And they should do some serious research;republican rule failed in the UK!Cromwell and son couldn't do the job and the monarchy was reinstated!

    The UN also needs to learn to differentiate between the GOVERNMENT which is an elected PARLIAMENT and the constitutional monarch.The problems the UN are discussing are government problems.

  10. No it doesn't. Any more than it has the right to order us to have a written constitution. We seem to be the only country of the world without a written constitution and yet our parliament is described as the Mother of Parliaments and our legal system is imitated all over the world.

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