
Does the UNITED NATIONS continue to serve a worthwhile cause?

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Does the UNITED NATIONS continue to serve a worthwhile cause?




  1. The UN is the framework for the New World Order.  Our politicians are working to make us part of this world government.  The North American Union is part of it.

    We need to get out of the UN.

  2. Yes, of course.  That is why we all still pay for it.  The UN was set up by the big countries, for their own interests and purposes.  It acts as a powerless hot air shop for all the little countries, and lets them think they have influence in the world.

    When the big countries want something, they can put the squeeze on all the greedy little countries and get a spurious legal rubber stamp for whatever they were going to do anyway.

    Don't be fooled or worried by anything else that goes on there.

  3. Let's devil's advocate this one...

    Yes. I have participated in Model United Nations for many years, and last year I actually took a college course for it. One of the books we were expected to read took a look at this very issue. (I apologize that I don't remember the name of the book, but I did glean my information from it.)

    If you look at areas of the United Nations like the Security Council (the committee I always represent!), they seem to have little effect the majority of the time...however, then look at the kind of problems they are dealing with. Can we really expect all of the problems of the world to be solved by this one organization?

    The United Nations does all sorts of things that the average person rarely hears about. We had a speaker from the Canadian mission to UNICEF (a UN sponsored organization) who told us about all sorts of different programs they sponsor, including setting up schools for kids all over the world and even days (or half days) of cease fires in wartorn areas to get kids vaccinated against various diseases...and they actually work! (As she said, even in the depths of war, what party is really going to be opposed to protecting their children from disease.)

    If that isn't worthwhile...

  4. no. we need out of the UN and we need them out of the US.

  5. No Why does America delude it awesome power but allowing other countries to have an equal vote? Just listen to the way their goverment talk about us,

  6. to some extent

  7. No,

      Each time the UN has acted to protect or promote rights it has caused the death of thousands if not millions of people.

    Korea (1958) Vietnam (1974) are just two wars that the UN said that they would help but in the end the US was the key player.

       Oil for food, the Darfur massacres’, the droughts and population explosion in Africa are all UN "good deed" Programs.

         Here is a classic example of the UN killing people through their kindness.

        The UN in the 1960'-1970's seeing the "plight of the poor" in undeveloped African Nations and the lack of food crops. The UN thought that it would be wise to bring in extra food, fertilizer for growing better crops in the poor soils and improved medical care as well as banning DDT as a pest control.

        What they did not understand that to these countries that wealth was measured by the number of cattle you owned as well as the number of kids. Small pox was a problem as well as malaria and the infant mortality rate was quite high.  

        As the war against Small Pox was won (The last true good deed of the UN) and with malaria on the decline the population rate exploded as well as the number of cattle that lived off the UN provided foodstuffs and fertilizer.  This lead to more life trying to survive on land that was able to sustain only 10-20% of that population.  The UN did not account for the climate and the bio load that could be sustained. They only saw progress was made in their world plan and left a token gift of wheat in passing.     The following seasonal drought (that can last up to 10 years in these areas) killed tens of thousands. The culture saw cattle as wealth and would feed them before their own kids. As refugees flocked to centers and with the death of elders there was no passing of the verbal history of many tribes was lost.

      The UN provided for the refugee centers, they gave out food and medicine but would not relocate these people to areas that could agriculturally support them.  The banning of DDT has caused an explosion in the files and mosquitoes that carry disease. This is not the dioxin contaminated stuff that kills birds but the best insecticide for the control of these insects.

      In the end it was the US not the UN along with religious support groups and churches that saw how to work with the environment and not force it to do some thing that it could not sustain.

       The UN is a feel good group that in the end it intentions have always been deadly.


  9. Yes its a great money laundering organization. They launder money to the poorer nations wealthy leaders.

  10. I lost my faith in UN after they gave the land to Israel....

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