
Does the US Federal Court System stay out of the balance of power between federal governments and state?

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Does the US Federal Court System stay out of the balance of power between federal governments and state?




  1. They are in it up to their necks.  Federal court decide such questions every day.

  2. No....  They reduced any realistic State authority to that of little more than giant counties.  They have Bureaucratic pretenses that pretend that they still have some kind of authority but the fact is the states are irrelevant when it comes to policy.  It's anti-Constitutional but it's the reality of court rulings.

  3. The balance of power is constitutional and involves the three brances of our governement.  There is the judicial branch, executive branch and legislative branch.   All of the brances are supposed to be co-equal.  The problem is that the judiciary has become an arm of the executive branch because they are appointed, not on merit, but on their political beliefs and support for the president.  Therefore, right now, the Republican executive branch almost controls the Supreme Court and it's scary to think what would happen if one of the branches disappeared for all intentional purposes.

  4. it is one of the jobs of the fed court system to settle any dispute arising from the struggle between federal and state government. it will not act in any way other than to rule on matters brought before it in legal cases filed by one party or another. but it is specifically authorized by the constitution to settle such cases when they are brought before it.  the court does not make law, nor enforce it. its authority is only to interpret existing law, which must be consistent with constitutional principles.

  5. They are a branch of the government and are right in the process, learn about the government before you ask.

  6. no, they help decide issues between them.

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