
Does the US really represents the free world?.....?

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I mean, the United States is the democracy model of the free world, this days...but how free is the US right now?...Does the US citizens feel totally free......have you ever been in another developed country such as Norway, Netherlands or Denmark.....Do you feel more or less free than the citizens over there?....

Just curious. My theory is that when a country became the new superpower of the world (call them Rome / Spain in the 1500 / USSR / Persia / etc etc) the government in place seems to rule and organize everything in order to take all under control and ensure the greatness and development of the nation.....I undesrtand that and certainly admire the success history of the US....but is it really that free?

Thanks in advance.

No offensive intentions. I am Mexican and certainly I feel so free here in Mexico and sometimes this freedom is used someway that creates some chaos down here.




  1. naw, not anymore. the congress, president and corporate fat cats and their media appartus has us by the short hairs.

  2. The US government investigates what library books we read, they listen in on our phone calls and that's just for regular law abiding citizens.  They are now going against standard long held policies as if nothing matters anymore.  It use to be that we had to be attacked before we would go to war.  It used to be that we didn't perform torture.  Now the US stands for nothing.  They do what they want when they want.  I am an American.

  3. Yes, I've lived in other countries.  All of those shining beacons of freedom countries you mentioned have hate speech laws -- restrictions on freedom of speech.  But regardless, it's not my concern any more than Mexico is.  Yes, I'm free.  Adios, neighbor. :)

    Very good point in your added comment.  There are some places in California where you can't even smoke in your own car.  I completely agree with you, we need to stop the PC brigade in North America!

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