
Does the US want war with Russia?

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Its seems like everytime I read the news on yahoo there is always something about how tensions are growing between the US and Russia. And now the US with perfect timing places some kind of missle defense base in Poland right next to Russia to aggravate them more. I feel like the possibility of war between us and Russia is just getting closer and closer. Ive also heard stories like that of the little girl and mother who said that Georgia was attacking itself? Could this have been like planned out ahead of time so that we would go to war with Russia and Bush would stay in office? because it seems like tensions are getting higher and war with Russia is just a matter of time. Maybe someone could give me there take on the situation so that I can get a better feel of what the US is trying to do.




  1. Let me start off by saying that I am a very proud American,just not a big fan of foreign policy. The United States would have done the same exact thing if it had American citizens in another country,and they would have been subjected to ths type of attack by any government.......

    The U.S. would react the same way as Russia if Russia would install a shield in Cuba or Venezuela.

    Come on guys,Russia wants to control the region,just like the U.S. tries to do here in America (and I mean the continent).

    Anyhow,if Georgia wants its territory and people to be part of their mainland again,why launch an attack that leaves a capital in ruins,and kills over  1000 civilians and 10-20 russian peace keepers???? Thats was just a stupid move,which the US and Europe told Georgia NOT TO DO!!! I just hope we help Georgia get back on track economically,but forget about those 2 states,they are gone....thanks to a miscalculated military move by their part,so get the scope out of Russia,put it on Georgia.

  2. I dont think it is so much that they want a war with russia..they dont want russia to become a bigger power than them!!

    america wants to be the only bullies that everyone is scared off.

    The U.S just wants to be the top dog and russia is threating that.

    we need to just hope that it can be settled(which it cant really) because america will lead the UK into a war with them and the Uk will get the worse deal out of it, with it being close to russia.

    But yeh i cant see there not being a war, if not now, in 3 or 4 years there will be. and if russia are losing and they know they dont stand a chance, out will come the nukes because they wont have anything to lose.....2012 the end of the world by ww3?????try 2010

  3. The US wants war with everyone

  4. No, Russia wants war with our ally and we don't like that.  


    I can't believe how much emphasis people have put on that 5 minutes of two -- very obvious -- propaganda people in that Fox News clip.  I feel sorry for anyone not intelligent enough to clearly see that the only purpose that woman and young girl had for being on Fox was so they could say Georgia was the aggressor over and over.  And the girl said she didn't see anything that could tell her it was Georgia, and then went on to blame Georgia.

    It was transparent.  And it's sad that that's all dissenters have to use to support Russia.

  5. The missile defense system has been going on since before the Georgia conflict. I agree that it is insane to aggravate them. I could never believe that Washington wants to confront Russia militarily. As far as planning it out so that Bush could stay in office isn't feasible. He has been in there for 8 years. His eligibility for President is over.  

  6. do you realize how stupid of a question that is?

    Georgia is attacking itself? serisoulsy.  what did they go do... buy some tanks, paint them like Russian tanks and start blowing stuff up. Yep, sounds like a complete winner plan in my book.

    no the US doesn't want to start fighting Russia.  We have to finish taking names in Iraq and Afganistan before we move onto to other countries.

    Europe needs to start putting there own pressure on Russia to back down. The UN needs to grow a set and stop it before it gets worse

  7. In a nutshell:  the last cold war lasted thirty five years with Russia.  No shots were exchanged in that time but both sides used surrogate countries to create havoc on each other. It started in 1946 with the Berlin air lifts and hasn't stopped yet !

    Russia kept North Vietnam well supplied in order to fight the US, during the Vietnam war.  The US kept Afghanistan well supplied to kill Russians back in the eighties.  In modern day, Russia is keeping the UN Security Council from hurting Iran too badly with its sanctions, and the US is considering Georgia as its ally, just to p**s off the Russians.  It's called t*t for tat, both countries are to blame, and neither dares not back down.

    Russia has shown a desire to become a super power once again, and starting c**p with an American ally, knowing the US is already distracted with Iran and Afghanistan is its way of showing hostile intent.

    The timing would suggest that Russia wouldn't have tried this if the US was not bogged down militarily, so it could be contrued by some, as a cowardice act !

    I wouldn't be too concerned about a war with Russia.  If it were to happen the following war would be fought with sticks and stones, because there would be no winners, and there might not be much civilization, either.

    Both countries know the consequences of the two going to war, and that makes it unlikely !

    The missile defense system is just that, a defense against hostile incoming missiles.  WhyRussia would be so concerned about this if it's intentions were friendly, makes their argument weak.

  8. About Georgia

    Funny one

    The information from other side

    About Poland.

    I think, USA acts as that was during Cold War. Without any reason they put its missiles near Russia while Russia step by step was destroying its nuclear forces since 1991.

    Russia HAVE TO prepare an answer to defence itself.

  9. No----but it looks as though Russia is trying to assert itself again as a world power...The positioning itself to defend Europe and our own country from anything that comes from that region, including China. Also remember you cannot be too careful because what direction an attack comes from in this age is hard to predict.

  10. These are scary times. Very scary that Bush is leading our country and McCain may be next. McCain has low intelligence and a very bad temper. Be VERY scared if he is elected.

    I've been researching how to survive a nuclear attack...

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