
Does the USA offer dual citizenships any more?

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Does the USA offer dual citizenships any more?




  1. No, they stopped a couple of years ago. Only if you are born in the USA but yoour parents are from a different country, or you were born in another country and they are American citizens.

  2. im not so shore but i dont think so.

  3. The US allows dual citizenship. Other countries may not (such as Mexico who does not allow dual citizenship but does allow citizenship in another country and Mexican Nationality.) (India has an "overseas citizenship" not the same as regular citizenship) Other countries just ban dual citizenship while others make you decide after you reach a certain age: Germany, Japan.

  4. The US does permit dual citizenship and it really depends on the situation. If the US is your second citizenship, meaning you were born in another country and are a citizen there, it doesn't matter whether your birth country allows this or not, you can still get US citizenship. For example; Russia only allows dual citizenship with other CIS countries, yet, if you are a Russian citizen and become eligible for US citizenship, you needn't contact or inform the Russian officials at all. The US does not make you forsake your present citizenship to obtain US citizenship. This was due to a US Supreme Court ruling.

  5. the US gives citizenship to thoses who qualtify , the US does not offer dual citzenship,only US citizenship with countries who allow dual citizenship..........

    dual citizenship is allowed with countries who allow it.

  6. Yes the U.S. permits dual-citizenship, however not all countries allow this. So the country you wish to have citizenship with, must also allow this.

  7. My understanding is that the USA does not offer of recognize dual citizenships.  However, that said, they ignore the existence of dual citizenships from other countries that do offer them.  For example. Israel offers dual citizenship for American Jews, if they want it.  

    When you get a passport from the USA, it doesn't mention anything in it about being for a dual citizen.

    When it comes to retirement on social security, the USA is pretty firm about which country you are a citizen of and only one is allowed.  Either you are a USA citizen or you are not.  No two ways about it.

  8. Mexican American

    American Mexican

  9. This is a 2 way street. If the country you want to keep your citizenship in also accepts dual citizenship, then that's not a problem. America does allow that, but to countries that also allow Americans to be dual citizens to them as well.

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