
Does the USA offer dual citizenships to AP's of internationally adopted children?

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And vice versa- would an internationally adopted child be able to have dual citizenships?




  1. I think the kids deserve them, but can't imagaine why YOU would think you should get one...

  2. I think I'm completely misunderstanding your question, so I apologize if I've got it all wrong.

    When we adopted we were told that the US did not acknowledge dual citizenship with my children's country.  That is, they consider my children to be US citizens, period.  

    The country my children are from does allow dual citizenship. They can use either the passport of their home country or their US one when we go back with them.  They will have the full rights of citizens there (and by the way, their OBCs were changed there, too, but at least we know their real names and are in touch with their families)

    I don't see how the US could offer dual citizenship to AP's.  It's not like they can give me citizenship to a different country. I'd have to move to that country, meet all their requirements, and apply to become a naturalized citizen there. For now, I'm just a US citizen.

  3. I am adopted from Korea, but I wasn't allowed to have a dual citizenship.  I'm an American Citizen now (since 1986).  I don't know if the States lets other kids have both, but I've only got one.  But no, you wouldn't get one simply for having adopted children.

  4. It like the ethics in international adoption..... there's theory and then there's the sad reality.  

    One way or another the adoptee's are again forced to give up citizenship usually by age 25. In most foreign countries if they have nothing to contribute to their homeland "intellectually" then they will need to serve in their military for 2 years.

    Ap's don't get one but they can try to "buy" one. Anything is possible, just look at the thousands of fraudulent adoptions in Guatemala.

  5. I believe it depends on the country from which the children are adopted.   Dual citizenship is not permitted for Chinese adoptees.  In fact, when an American passport is obtained, the Chinese passport the child was originally given is cancelled.   If they return to China for vacation, they have to apply for a visa like anyone else who wasn't born there.

  6. From what I understand it all depends upon the countries involved.  Canada will allow my Indian born daughter to have dual citizenship if she wants it but, at the time we adopted, India did not allow dual citizenship so her Indian passport had to expire.  

    Now, we have gone back to them asking about getting it renewed and since she is Canadian they will not allow it.  They have this new Persons of Indian Origin card that they issue now but it's still not full dual citizenship.  

    Each country combination and situation is different.

  7. Dear Whatever,

    The USA does not offer dual-citizenship to APs. It would depend on the country in regards to an internationally adopted person. I do feel that international APs should be given a special visa to help encourage visits to the child's country of origin.

  8. The USA doesn't recognize dual citizenship.  If you are a US citizen, that's what you are, period. (as I found out attempting to enter the States on a British passport which stated my birthplace as New York LOL!)

    Other countries do recognize dual citizenship (ie the UK) hence I have two passports but may only use the US one when travelling to the USA.

    My British adopters were not entitled to US citizenship purely because they adopted an American child, no.

    Sorry if this answer is confusing.

  9. My coworker adopted children from Russia, and the children all have dual citizenship.  

    I don't see where the adoptive parent could have that, though, they weren't born in the other country nor do they live there.  Unless you plan to move to that country, then no, I don't think an AP would be granted the same.

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