
Does the United Kingdom have food inspection?

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Does the United Kingdom have food inspection?




  1. yes, its called the environmental health department. they are extremely strict when it comes to health and hygiene issues. they will not think twice about shutting down a food outlet if it fails to meet their standards.

  2. Food inspection in which way?

    Commercial kitchens have regular visits from the 'EHO' (Environmental Health Officer) Who checks the hygine, safe cooking & storage practices of the premises. They have the power to have the premises closed down if it is not up to standard. The risk of being shut down which would be advertised & ruin the business, means that high hygine is usually practiced in any establishment with any kind of reputation & recent tightening of the regulations mean that it is quite hard to find truly bad food in the UK

  3. Maybe

  4. Of course.

  5. YES!

    the local County Council check food places yearly.

  6. Of course it does If people report it, But as you have seen about Mac Donald's they have slipped maybe the directors of the firm should go check it out. and find out y its got such a bad name. people have reported them to trading standards but same as anywhere they warn them and give them a chance, then they slip right back to bad standards,Especially around 3pm till 6pm when the mothers think easy lets get them a happy meal cheap and cheerful, even don't have to get out the car, Plus you don't see many of them eating it. does anyone apart from kids Like the place we can see it. a quick quid or two. Any other restaurant who have had food Inspections i have heard about, has been closed.But busy mothers find it to easy for them to refuse the kids a treat. I suppose that's what fast foods all about......

  7. Department of Health and Environment can inspect food outlets, Department of Food an Rural Affairs (Defra) are responsible for agriculture and send meat inspectors to abbatoirs

  8. Yep, every day I say to my wife, "whats this"?


    But YES we have food inspectors from the Health Department checking the standard of hygiene and preparation and the quality of foods from restaurants and take a ways.

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