
Does the United Nations really have any power to do anything?

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Does the United Nations really have any power to do anything?




  1. how can you do anything, and be neutral if some states have a right to veto?

  2. yes they have the power to say yes or no to what they are told to go to Iran and tell them to quit making DA bomb they have the power of saying-"No, you tell them"- or they have the power of saying Yes, like:-" Go tell the Iranians to let us in."- and they have the power to say YES>>>>Monster, I mean, MADSTER I mean YES MANSTEER I mean YES MASTER!!!!

  3. they have the power to intervene , they just don't do it.  to the shame of the world.

  4. Not without our (the US) help.

  5. The UN is nothing but a front

  6. The United Nations is one big joke.

    We tell them whats going on, then we break the laws.

  7. the only power it has is that given to them by the member nations. the danger of this is that the u.n slowly get the power to be the one ruling body of the world government. your national independence is at stake and should be garded very carefully.

  8. complain

  9. No!  The United Nations can only huff and puff, but it can not take any unilateral action without getting the OK.

  10. Yes.  Thye simply don't.

  11. Through their aid agencies, I'd definitely say yes.  

    UNICEF, UNHCR, UNAIDS, UNIFEM, WHO and the like keep people from dying every day by sending food, clean water, and drugs.  

    The UN should stick to more aid-based projects.  I know their goal is to prevent war, but let's face it, they're not very good at it, and the very structure of the UN makes it difficult for them to do anything militarily.

  12. the un is the foundation for a global government, they are very powerful.

  13. Yes has many organizations fighting poverty, hunger, keeping peace and preserving culture. Without the UN the word will be chaos.

  14. well the united states is one of the worlds more power full countries but we aren't the best or the smartest. theree is still rules to be fallowed according the charter of ther united nations. no country has all the power.

  15. Check out Agenda 21

  16. the united nations is a platform for a global government, nothing more.

  17. Sure, send peacekeepers who do more damage than good.

    It's an extension of the Koom ba yah theory.... can't we all just hold hands, sing, and play nice?

    They aren't in the real world.  It once served it's purpose, now it's defunct & fubar.

  18. They police the 3rd world for the industrialized world!

  19. Despite it's many faults the UN is organised over-ridingly to avoid having it's own executive branch, to not become a 'world government'. Thus, no, it in-itself compared to national govts etc it doesn't (and lets hope never will) have much power todo anything - material action is dependent on a fairly constant talking shop of nations...which of course is it's real point, a relatively inefficient ability to enact decisions reached is all bonus....

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