
Does the United States Military have the power to stage a coup if it so desires?

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Is it feasible for something like that to happen in the US? I see it happen on the news, in other countries, could it happen in the US? I think for the most part our military is deeply loyal to the constitution, but if it so desired would it be able to pull it off?




  1. Yesbut it could be done legally. We have a great system so I cannot imagine why a coup would ever need to occur. WE HAVE ALWAYS had a great balance of powers. One section of our govt can have absolute power as happens in many other nations.

  2. WOULD IT? Not now.

    COULD IT? Yes, most definitely. Don't matter what "peaceniks" claim, our military is second to none. It would have no difficulty in staging a coup.

    Of course, if a half of the American public was as loyal to the Constitution as the military, we would not be having all the problems we do have.

  3. They could but would you want to have that country??? In those third world countries the population are not as "American' and if you watch the propaganda out of their state run Hollywood

    (  since the 1930"s all movies have to have a certificate code by the government censors if they want their films to be shown in the states) (look for the number in every movie) they always show that the  American "regular" people will always prevail...besides why coup what you already run with a dictator?

  4. Does it have the right, no.

    Does it have the power, H@!! YES!

  5. maybe

  6. absolutely not

  7. Easily.  But it would be done by the government behind the government...not the figureheads you see everyday in Washington.

  8. The real question would be does the US have enough military personel here on US soil to stop a coup if one were to occur and its a strong possibility that gets stronger everyday. It would take 2 weeks to get our troops home if we needed them. The answer is no unless you include all us old vets in the mix

  9. This is actually an interested question.  The answer is no.  The Constitution was carefully crafted so that the President serves as Commander in Chief, but the Congress is responsible for raising an army (and paying them).  In an extreme situation, say the President decides on 1-20-09, not to give up power and order the Army to barricade a new president, Congress could simply cut off funding for the army and they would dissolve allowing the newly elected President into office.

       In more practical terms, the only thing that keeps the President from becoming an elected King is the power of Congress to intervene when the President wages war.  If Congress becomes fed up with the War in Iraq, for example, they could cut off funding and force the President to bring troops home.  However, President Bush has said that he will keep troops in Iraq in spite of Congress.  Bush feels our Constitutional provisions for an army are a loophole.  However, the role of Congress is an important one in preserving the union against specifically what you are asking.

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