
Does the WNBA have all male cheerleaders on the sidelines in speedos pumping up the crowd?

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I am asking because I will probably never watch a WNBA game to find out.




  1. Not that I know of, but they long as they have imPECcable bodies and all.

  2. man, basketball is lame no matter who plays. now, UFC, that shizzle is off the HOOK.

  3. scary stuff anyone in a speedo is scary *hides*

  4. No. Women do vary from men, regardless of the anecdotes on the subject.

  5. The only men at a WNBA game are the husbands, brothers and other family members and friends so there aren't any male cheerleaders. Sorry to disappoint you.

  6. No I've been to a number of WNBA games and watched many on TV and they don't usually have any male cheerleaders-they usually have children dance troops or jumping rope groups or martial arts displays at half time-family stuff instead of the usual T&A like at NBA and college basketball games. Lots of familes (men/women/kids) attend since the prices aren't outrageous and the sideline activities are geared towards children and families-not towards men.

    I"ve also seen many groups of girls basketball teams attend since they finally have professional role models to emulate. Unlike the male professional basketball players-the female basketball players aren't arrested for assault or rape. It's actually very inspiring to attend a game-I highly recommend it-as someone who wasn't allowed to play basketball until high school (pre Title IX).

  7. LMAO thats funny

    but no there is no male cheerleaders

    if there were

    it would be SOOO nastyy

  8. Not all male cheerleaders.

    Most of the time they have local High School cheerleader squads. Or kids dance teams with boys and girls.

    Guys in speedos is not a good idea. The fans won't go for that. And I am a straight man, so I definitely won't like it.

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