
Does the Wisconsin Child Support Agency help find the obligating parent if you don't know where he is?

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I have a five month old son and his father left us to be with someone else when I was pregnant. He stranded me and my other children at a lake for a month and mean while sold all my belongings to meet someone he met off myspace. I am living in Wisconsin now and when I applied for child support I was told I may not get it since I don't don't know the whereabouts of my son's father and have not seen him since he left us. Does the Wisconsin Child Support Division help find the father and if so how do they go about finding him? I have his father's and mother's phone/address but they refuse to give me any information.




  1. that is part of their job/responsibility..they have investigators and different ways of finding the "parent"..SS#, employment records, etc...most of the time they are pretty good at finding them but if you have any info on where it might be, be sure to call and let them know..they will never turn down ur info

  2. u have links to the fathers mother and father call  and ask the Wisconsin Child Support Agency. Maybe they willl help u because u have proof of the fathers parents.

    hope all turns out well!!!

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