
Does the Xbox 360 play blueray dvds?

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Does the Xbox 360 play blueray dvds?




  1. Unfortunatly only the ps3 play blu ray movies it does play hd movies though, although if you're going to play a movie on your 360 i reccomend taking precautions so that it doesnt overheat

    like opening a window, keeping the console away from walls and a fan or something

  2. Not yet.  The next model of the 36o will have it though.

    Do not get a PS3, it's going out of style.  I hope Sony enjoyed their 1 billion dollar loss....  lol

  3. No, you'll have to  go PS3 for this feature

  4. no but if you want a blue ray player get a ps3

  5. Nope, sorry...

  6. You seriously need to trade in your 360 and get a PS3 you won't think their too expensive after you've had it for a week. It's the most amazing machine i've ever owned it does everything and i have a 52" HD Sony Bravia TV and watching Blu-Ray movies is AWESOME clearer than the human eye (work that one out ha)

    DO it...XBOX is dead!

  7. nope. i wish

  8. 360 plays HD.  PS3 plays blueray.

  9. that's a big red no, good buddy, no they can not.

    Blueray still has allot to come down to before i buy one, too much money and i don't think it's worth it, since it doesn't have a large movie count

  10. no afraid not it plays hd dvds but they have stopped making them as blu ray was majorlly outselling them you either need a ps3 or a blu ray player but to be honest the ps3 is the cheapest option.

  11. No sorry, only the ps3 does.

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