
Does the american government lie about extra terrestrials?

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If not, then why are there so many insiders blowing the whistle on their ***?




  1. Dennis Kucinich saw a UFO. Jimmy Carter saw a UFO.  

  2. That should be least of our worries, let just hope they wont make so many more stupid choice that could destroy us once and for all. They have lied about so many things , thats why there is many difficulty facing our nations.

  3. Hard to tell but when documents on Roswell were released very large parts were blacked out!! WHY?!!

    Even information on atomic weapons can be released with far less blacked out!

    Whether it is aliens or not the government is sure covering something up!!!

  4. Would the same govt that brought us Korea, Viet Nam and Iraq lie to us? What do you think?

  5. Hi jrels2,

    LMAO of course the d**n government lies, spies on us, cheats us out of Social Security ( cause President Bush, & congress all have a different    And you must not live in America  or you would know (name-I think needs a capital letter-like ohio=Ohio).  Have a good AM. 0)

    Additional Details: what the American government need to do is get out out of debt should legalize bud (mj,weed etc.)

    Here's a star just for that reason!

  6. they're definitely hiding something,we've been told to many stories about area 51,UFOs in mexico,pilots in airliners seeing strange objects in the sky.the US has a whole lot on this stuff stashed away somewhere and it's about time they shared it with us all.

  7. The government lies about everything.  Why would this be any different?

  8. We can't even get along with each other. Let's hope there are no ET's around. The first thing we would do is shoot them. The next thing would be to dissect them. I hope the Earth stays isolated until we learn to deal with each other and then maybe we'll be ready for an alien species.

  9. yes

  10. of course not,because there are n such things as extraterrestrials of aliens or beings from other planets.It's just stupid,anyone who beleives that is just plain childish and dumb

  11. Apparently they do

    i read in the paper that the american government lie about the existence of life other than that of earth

    they didnt deny it, yet did they admit it

    scientist say if they felt like it they could destroy us with a click of the finger. there technology is so mouch more advanced than ours

  12. Does anybody really believe they're spending $700.00 dollars for toilet seats? I believe  the money's going into research on stuff like this and, yes, the government lies to us about everything.

  13. true

  14. Yes they do. They have been lying about it since time began. Check my profile....It irks the Gov.

  15. Honey, the american government lies about everything.  

  16. Almost certainly, they lie about everything, as far as it goes...

  17. I believe they they do lie about them.

  18. Lets ask GWB,he always tells the truth.Would you buy a used car from him?,not.

    My Best

  19. Yes they do lie about E.T.'S and many other things they think we cannot handle to know the truth.On the history channel they show astronauts and many air-plane pilots who have seen them flying right next to their planes and it was no weather balloons..

  20. why not? The government lies about everything most of the time

  21. No, not at all.  There are not enough terrestrials to go around, so of course they don't have any extra ones.

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