
Does the amount of calories change in meat once its been drained?

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Let's say you were browning/cooking hamburger in a pan. Later, you drained out all of the fat that came out while cooking. Doesn't the amount of calories from the hamburger go down?




  1. Yes, absolutely.  When you drain it, some of the fat runs off.  You can get rid of even more fat if you rinse it with very hot water.

  2. Nope.  if you want the meat to drain, use a geeorge foreman.  that way, it drains as it cooks.  

  3. I would think so, since a lot of the calories are in the fat.

  4. I think so.

    When I drain my meat I usually rinse it in water too.  I never notice any loss in flavour because you can put it back in the pan after and add your spices, onions, etc.

  5. yes the calories will go down

  6. If you drain out the fat the calories will go down, it just depends on how much fat you drain out. The more fat that comes out, the less calories. You have to make sure you squeeze out the fat though... And if you're cooking a hot dog boil it, and stick a fork in it as it's cooking. Thet'll get rid of some fat too... And make sure if you do hot dogs that they're Turkey, you never know what's in the regular hot dogs.

  7. Yes, it would go down because you have drained off some of the fat. If you really want to cut the calories, boil the hamburger in water first with some onion and garlic in the water. Once cooked, drain it in a colander and then add in your spices and such and make your recipe. This REALLY cuts the fat content and therefore, the calories. Happy cooking.

  8. Not for postive but I would think so. But it would also depend on the fat content of the meat. If it's lean or extra lean there won't be enough fat cooked off to worry about draining so in that case I would say no.

  9. Yes... it would be less calories than if you slurped up the fat that was in the pan.....

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