
Does the amount of money spent on sport make you sick?

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seeing billions spent on sport makes me vomit, imagine how many children we could save with that money. what a load of old c**p




  1. Yes, it does.  I like watching competitions as much as anyone else, but the money spent on it is grotesque.  The venality, selfishness, and cold heartedness of homo sapiens is beyond comprehension at times!!!

  2. sure does,especially the wages footballers get paid for kicking a bag of wind about,absolutley scandelous. the worlds gone mad,then you get the working class slogging there guts out for a couple of hundred pounds if that a week.

  3. Yes i agree totally.Close down all the factories that makes the kit and take away the  livelihood of 1000s throughout the world.Close all the stadiums that create employment to 1000s.Sport generates money and creates employment which in the long term saves children.Never heard of Sport Relief?

  4. Not in the slightest.  People are allowed to spend their money in any way they want, and if they choose to do it on sporting recreation, thats just fine.  "Imagine how many children we could save with that money"- so what, we are supposed to cut out all forms of recreation and instead give all of the money to a save the children fund?  Thats a load of c**p, sorry commie, I dont think so.  And by the way- your problem should be with the governments and rebels who's civil wars create the starvation and sickness which you decry.  There is plenty of food and medicine in the developing world, it just cant get to where it needs to go because its either hoarded by the government or rebels, or the shipments can get through because of their fighting.  It always comes down to corrupt officials, or war, or both.  Not lack of money.

  5. YES !

  6. I guess your not an athlete. Although it is atrocious, sports is not the only culprit. There are CEO's, actors, government contracts, etc. etc.

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