
Does the anticipated 2008 recession have anything to do with the US government printed too much money?

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Since it is a fact that printing too much money can expose a country to vulnerabilities, I wonder if the US governmen did get too greedy in printing too much money in the near past.




  1. The anticipated recession is the result finanical institutes having money tied up in morgages that are foreclosing, which is causing them to lend less, and consumers to borrow less, which is continuing down to other consumers and businesses.  The Fed has increased the money supply in 2008 to counter act this problem, which could lead to higher inflation, but it will take a while to take effect.  If a Government is printing way to much money you will notice it in their inflation rate (look at ZImbabwe or Germany after WWII), currently our inflation is under control, but with the credit crunch and rising energy cost, extensive money printing may happen and inflation will follow.

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