
Does the appearance of masculinity/femininity give you that quality or are those qualities something internal?

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Is a look just fashion? Is masculinity/feminity something far deeper and more profound?




  1. All comes from within...sorry, I am one of those weird people, lol.

  2. My theory is that our images of femininity and masculinity are taught by environmental, personal experience, and sociological factors.

    However, the DESIRE to set up a difference between the genders, any difference, is the deeper instinctual part; not the differences themselves.  

  3. Deeper and more profound.

  4. They're very distinctive traits. Appearence advertises them to a wider audience but fundamentally you have the quality based on genetic pre-dispositions  

  5. What is masculine or feminine is culturally determined;  "interpretations" vary between cultures and over time (same as gender roles stereotypes).  This tells us that the associated behaviors/ traits/characteristics are learned, not innate.

  6. I think it is both.  The way you dress and care for yourself expresses your mental attitude, but it also affects it.  I know that when I have pretty painted fingernails, nice hair and makeup, and a pretty dress on, I feel more feminine and attractive.  However, I also wear those things to reflect my mood, so in many ways, it's just a loop.

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