
Does the army pay for a trip home before the first duty station?

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my husband got his orders today and said he can come home on thursday. this is our first duty station and we live in maryland. is the army supposed to pay for his ticket here? i know they are going to move our stuff but i am not sure if we are going to have to pay to get him here from AIT




  1. No but they'll pay him mileage between AIT and his duty station.

  2. No, but they did used to issue block leave during major holidays, and after combat operations in Grenada that didn't come off your leave time. Unfortunately Democrats shut that down though.  

  3. Ha Ha...h**l NO

  4. Nope, But they will pay what it cost to travel from his AIT to his first duty station.

    They will pay the cost to move you from your home to his first duty station.

    So it all depends on where his AIT was, where you live and where his first duty station are.

    IE, if his AIT was in georgia, you live in Cali and his first duty station is in North carolina.

    They will pay him what it cost to travel from Georgia to NC,

    All other travel expenses he has to pay for.

  5. If he wants to come home, he will have to pay for the travel out of pocket.  

  6. no.  they will only cover the from school to his duty station.  anything else is on him.  

  7. no, he has to pay his own way home

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