
Does the army serve the Queen?

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if the Queen rebeled against the government, would the police, army, royal mail, and any other Monarch serving service, be on the Queens side




  1. good question

  2. The queen cannot 'rebel' against the government. It is, after all. she who invites it's formation. In theory she can dissolve Parliament at any time or dismiss the Prime Minister although she is bound by the wishes of the people in a General Election so removing someone like Gordon Brown might be ineffective if he were elected again. All members of the armed forces swear allegiance to the Crown on enrolling. This doesn't apply to the Royal mail or other government employees.

  3. As far as I know yes. Then again members of the Royal Family serve in the army to protect the country out of duty, honor, and patriotism....but if the Queen rebeled against the would depend on wether or not the people participated in the rebellion and on a large scale and all of this is highley would be a civil war.

  4. Yes, it is Her Majesty's Army.  Why, planning on getting Her to overthrow the government?

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