
Does the army test for opiates in general or do they test for heroin, morphine, oxycodone, hydrcodone etc?

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im currently prescribed to oxycontin and i took some old morphine i had in my cabinet from a surgery last year. will this show up as opiates or will it show up that i have morphine and oxycodone in my system?




  1. I last worked on this type of test about 10 years ago, so I don't have the most up-to-date answers, but here goes:

    They test for poppy products, which includes everything you're contemplating, plus poppy seeds, even in small quantities, such as in kaiser rolls.  Also, when you do one drug test, you typically run them all.

    If you've got drugs prescribed, why would anyone even bother with a drug test?

  2. First, guys, its opioid, not opiate.

    Second, morphine, oxycontin, oxycodone, and hydrocodone are all opioids.

    And yes, ALL will show on a drug test.  However, if you have a script for them it should not effect your job.

  3. They will just do a "screen" which tests for particular drug classes such as opiates, amphetamines, THC.  However, they are capable of distinguishing, for instance, heroin from oxycontin, but it is usually not ordered unless they suspect it. But it shouldn't matter since you have a valid prescription for it.

  4. It will show up as an opiate You have a script for it just show them your perscriptions.

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