
Does the average American have the time to use the talents and abilities he or she was born with or learned?

by  |  earlier

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e.g., musical, artistic, knowledge of the old family business, skills acquired from school electives, sports one excelled in, etc.




  1. Yes ,,,but ,,even the un average american does not ,,,,I guess we get caught up in this wired ,,,loud fast ,,,society ,,,Time means nothing to our creator ,,,only to man,,,,but the time we are here with our families and FRIENDS is not always wisely spent ,,,,,Figure this out ?  I got knocked on my toosh at about tha turn of the century,,,,2000 ,,,,With major health problems,,,,I ran ah family business that I started in 1970,,my whole family was involved ,,my sons are more like brothers to me ,,,Then we lost every thing,,,,,I didn't play my guitar for around 30 years ,and walla,,,,I found out that I could play any instrument ,,,,,so I do ,,,,The first place I was asked to play was with the church group that I helped start back in 1967,,,I now play with around 100 other musicians ,writers ,singers ,,,etc,,,,,during tha time I spent in my own business in construction,,I taught all my brothers ,,,their children,,,their friends ,,,and around 4 generations of our appalachia area ,,several skills and trades ,,,I'll never have the time to share all tallents God gave to me ,,,,,I'm still tryin,,,,,Maybe the ones I taught will share and this will help the society of mankind,,,,,I hope this helps you and I  hope I didn't fail my brothers and sisters with not sharing my God given talents ,,,,,,my space whograss records ,,,,,,,Happy Easter,,oll nick

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