
Does the baby become more or less active when it drops? ?

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I have noticed that i am able to breath and eat again. I think the baby has started to drop. I am having to run to the bathroom more and i feel more pressure lower in my belly. But she seems to have become more active in the last 4 days. Like almost non stop. She would typically only move after i ate ice cream and at night when i was going to bed. Now it's all through out the day. Is this normal and can anyone explain why? I dont see the midwife until friday, when i will ask. I am 36 weeks by the way.




  1. I found my baby to be less active once she dropped

  2. If your placenta is at the front of your uterus then you may not feel as much movement, but when the baby drops you may feel more movement because the baby is moving more where you uterus isn't blocked by the placenta.

    Or so they say ;-)

  3. It is a good thing that your baby is moving  - you should be concerned if your baby moves lesser and lesser.   I remember when I was pregnant that my doctor told me the baby should move every two hours.   Have you looked on the internet?  

  4. the baby's on its way  

    but get ready


  5. Depends on the baby... congradualtions by the way : D

  6. it mostly becomes more active. dropping is very traumatic for a baby. because it is like very comfortable and it just got scared when it dropped that's it is more active. :)  

  7. my son would go through spells when i got that far along and it would scare me sometimes that he wasnt so active. so i would lay in a position he wouldnt like and could usually get something out of him. as far as why this is someone told me that they are conserving their energy for the big day lol but i dont know if that is true or if it is just because they are more cramped in the birth i guess this goes to show every baby is different.

  8. The actually usually slow down at this point, but the baby is getting much bigger in these next few weeks, so you are probably just more able to feel her moving now

  9. more

  10. more active and is normal

  11. oh my gosh. i was about to report you as being an abuser when i first read that. i thought you meant you dropped your baby.

    anyways, yes, the baby becomes much more active.

    i am a trained professional.


    drop me an email sometime.

  12. Its normal....she may be a little uncomfortable or something from moving, but my little guy did the same thing. She's ready to get the h**l out of there!! =)

  13. I've found that when I drop my baby it becomes less active, like it's been knocked out.

  14. It depends on the baby.. it doesn't sound too abnormal.. my son didn't move a lot 2nd trimester but he did towards ther last 2 months... but with both of my kids they became very inactive in the days right before delivery

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