
Does the bee in my dream mean anything?

by Guest67044  |  earlier

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I my dreams over the last while there has bee and its always been trying to sting me, and i get scared. Does this mean anything?




  1. A bee is a sign of benefit to come.  Give thanks.


  2. Whatever your bee means is your exclusive symbol, but in general this might be seen as a s*x dream.  The bee is often a dream symbol for industrious little pollinater - that's pretty s**y.  It tries to sting you - putting it's 'poison' into you.  And it's a little scary like some s*x dreams are.  

    I'm not saying that's true - just possibilities.

  3. I notice you have a lot of illness and pain related posts.  Perhaps you always feel at risk of being sick or injured, and that is a nagging fear, like a bee trying to sting you.

    Have you had a REALLY thorough checkup in the past year?  Have you been checked for mononucleosis, thyroid problems or other common illnesses?  Visit your doctor and see if you can get some help identifying this 'bee' that keeps bugging you.

    Pray for wisdom and help.

    God bless you,


  4. maybe a bab relationship, the the person with you is gonna try to hurt you for some reason, and it might be scary cuz nothing this horiffic has ever happned to you

  5. could mean a lot of thigs. from love hurts to someone's ou to get u. or it could mean nothing

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