
Does the bible say anything about global warming?

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if you can give references to back that up that would be awesome




  1. in a round about way ,God could not find a reasonable place for h**l so he decided to make it here ,and the people are forced in to a corner

    very clever

    Love God ,Die and go to Heaven ,

    or stay here Alive and end up in h**l.

    not much of a choice ,so the only reasonable alternative we got   is to try and take care of this place ,although I personally do not think we can any more

  2. In Revelations, it says in the end times the world will get colder. So in a nut shell THERES NO SUCH THING!!!!!

  3. Sorry I do not remember the references but global warming and cooling can be read about in almost all old cultures in the world. I believe even Bible cites examples of climatic conditions geting bad, heavy snow, rains and dry spell. The biggest problem is that our scriptures have many things in coded language and we do not understand them.

    Vedas the 10000 years old hindu scriptures have given details of global warming, cooling and flood. Before flood they say every thing was on fire i.e. it became very hot and then it was water every where and people had to leave every thing and run for higher grounds.  Acording to it this happened a few times in last 10 to 15000 years.

    Same reference can be seen in Mayan and eqyption civilisation and proof has been seen in many excavation sites. So, I am sure even bible must have quoted this phenomenon as it is relatively very young to other civilisations and religions.

  4. Superchick92 raises a good point.  However, in the story of Noah (of Arc fame) it rained for over 40 days and 40 nights.  This is really WEIRD weather and according to the GW Alarmists weird weather is a sure sign of global warming.  Based upon this I'd have to say that the Bible does address the subject in a way even a secular liberal global warming supporter could understand

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