
Does the bottom ball of a bent barbell belly button ring come off? and how big is the gauge size?

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I just got my belly button pierced yesterday and i can take the top ball off but i havent been able to twist the bottom off. Are they supposed to come off?

also, how big is the normal size barbell that they give you at the piercing place? Like tha gauge size. Yeah.




  1. i was about to say if you just got it done yesterday you shouldn't even be attempting to take it off because the piercer should have screwed them on extra tight because its a puncture wound and your bodies going to heal it the bar confuses the white blood cells and heals around it.

    and yes in a bent bar bell both sides can be unscrewed but don't worry about that until 4 months give your body proper time to heal it should hurt also!

    normal size is a 14g

  2. only one ball comes off

  3. If you got it done yesterday, then you shouldn't be trying to take the balls off.  Messing with it like that when it's fresh is a good way to get an infection.

    Generally the bottom ball doesn't come off, but it depends on the jewelry.  The standard size for bellybutton piercings is 14g.

    You don't have to remove the jewelry completely to get an infection, especially if you're moving it around and messing with the balls on it.  Just leave it alone as your piercer should've instructed you to do.

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