
Does the bullet-proof nature of the PopeMobile almost taunt a mischievious spirit to launch something at it?

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Don't get me wrong...I really like the Pope and have nothing against Catholocism. But when I see that ultra-fancy, modified Mercedes Benz with the elevated Pope chamber to put him on display but behind bullet-proof glass, it almost reminds me of the typical obnoxious rich kid from one's neighborhood who liked to parade around his fancy brand new bike or other unusual toy or possession. And I envision the Pope almost saying, "Ha Ha Ha! I'm the Pope and you're not! See me in my fancy PopeMobile. I have one and you don't, and you can't get me because I'm behind bullet-proof glass. Nya nya nya-nya nya!" as he sticks out his tongue and makes a face.

And I just think, "Man! Throw something at it! We'll see how bullet-proof it is!"

I would never, ever do that, mind you, and the Pope has never said that. It's just somethng that plays in the back of my head. and I'm wondering if you ever thought the same thing. Doesn't it kind of CALL OUT to be tested, based on how it looks?




  1. You have to much time on your hands.Think of constructive not destructive things to do!

  2. no

  3. I think a lot of the officials use money that could be much better used for helping the poor on fancy cars .I see nothing wrong with him having protection but it does not need to be in a fancy mercedes it could be any car with the bullet proof box.

  4. Not unless you wish to risk getting shot.  The Swiss Guards aren't just for show.  They are like the Secret Service for the President.  By the way, the President has eight of the limos.

  5. I think that an impenetrable box is a deterrent.  It is one thing for someone to martyr themselves in a successful assassination attempt, while quite another to die in failure.

    Even the Secret Service will admit that it is possible for someone to kill the President, as long as they are willing to die in the process.  Extremists seemingly know no bounds, but even they know that if they were identified as having eliminated an icon, such as the Pope or the American President, that the world would not rest until eliminating all traces of their group.

    I find interesting the current TV series, "Jericho," which chronicles the efforts of a corporation named "J&R," that takes over the USA by nuking 23 key American cities.  The conspiracy runs quite high, but the bombs are blamed on Iran and Korea.  This provides justification for melting both countries in response.

    Anyway, I have no problem with the Pope-mobile, and as long as they didn't use any of my money to pay for it, it's all good with me.  By the way, I am not Catholic either, but I do respect what the Pope represents for the Church.

    Have a great day!

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