
Does the car that runs on water invented by a filipino really work?

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Does the car that runs on water invented by a filipino really work?




  1. No

  2. Yea man water conversion kits are online but idk about the filipino thing. It should make hydrgen if you follow the instructions and hydrogen is powerfull.

  3. No, water is used to put out fires, it doesn't burn.

  4. Converting your car to burn on water for gas or fuel is very easily done. There is a guide that comes with step by step instructions for you to follow. However, you can get your mechanic to do it for you, if you are not technically inclined. Even Fox News has picked up this new global rave and has reported the potential annual savings that this can bring to the consumer.

    If you are like me and sick and tired of these insanely high gas prices, and you want to get more mileage per gallon out of your vehicle, go to the Water for Gas Review Website to learn how to run your car on water. You can also read more information on hypermiling to see which method you prefer that will help you to save thousands on gas prices.

  5. You can find many of these fantasies on the web. The truth is there is a device that extracts the hydrogen from the water and puts it in the fuel intake. Some small mileage increase is claimed.

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