
Does the child fit the name?

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I threw this question out the other night and got some interesting answers, so let's try again.

Have any of you had the perfect name picked out for your little angel but after he/she was born you decided he/she did not look like that name and picked something else? What name had you planned on, what did the baby look like, and what name did you change it to? Or did you see the baby, you didn't think the chosen name fit, but you loved the name so much you used it anyway, hoping the baby would grow to fit his/her name?




  1. I think eventually they fit their name, usually...

  2. My mom was set on Kerri for my little sister. So thats what they named her. well, they obviously didnt look up what Kerri meant because Kerri means dark haired and she has blonde hair. Needless to say Kerri was probably a bad choice!

  3. I've never been in the situation cos i'm 16 lol.

    But my mam was gonna call me Sarah Joy then she changed my name spontaneously when i was born :)

  4. Yes! When I was prego with my son we could not decide on a name. We were pretty set on either Owen or Carter. When he was born we named him Mason! He is defiantly a Mason!  

  5. For my son we picked out the name Blake Douglas and it fit right away.  We just had our 2nd baby 4 weeks ago and named her Haley Marie.  At first she didn't really seem like a Haley to me but now it is starting to feel right - It was hard cause I gave my husband a list of names he could choose from for her the other names included Caylee, Kylee, and Chloe.  Now I am glad I stuck with the name Haley and I think in time she will grow into her name even more.

  6. I originally wanted Samantha for my daughter, once I saw her, we decided on Abigail...I saw her as Abby, rather than Sam

  7. I think that, eventually, all children fit their names (unless the name is simply odd like the names of some celebrity children - think: Pilot Inspektor. That child will never fit his name!).

    I know a lot of parents who announce their names and you sort of cringe when you hear it - "how could they do that?" or "what a strange name!" or "isn't that a last name?" or "poor kid!!" - but eventually you just get used to it and could never imagine them with any other name.

    There are only a very few instances I can think of where the child goes by a nickname or the middle name rather than the given first name, because it seems to fit better.

    That being said, I am a firm believer that you can have a name picked out, see the baby, and he/she absolutely does not "look" like that name. I used to think it was crazy until I had a baby of my own. I think it has to do with associations - we always thought Karen was more of a sporty name (because of people we knew), so when our dainty little 4lb girl was born, we absolutely could not go with that name! She ended up being Anna instead. And a coworker was going to name her child Isabel but when the baby was born, that name went out the window and the girl is now Olivia.

    Anyways! That's my story

  8. My name was supposed to be Larissa Ann, then when my mom saw me she could not decide because she felt like it did not fit me, so for three days I did not have an official name.  In the end she changed it to the name I have now.

  9. A mom I knew LOVED the name Gaberiel, and the name Austin.  She was going to use both, but didn't know if her soon to be son would be "A Gabriel" or an "Austin"

    Well, the day he was born and she laid her eyes on him, she knew he just looked like a Gabriel Austin to her...

    He just turned two last month, and I don't think he would be a very good Austin :)

  10. My parents were going to name me Steven Dewayne, because up until I was born I was to have been a boy, needless to say they changed my name to a more appropriate name for a girl.  

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