
Does the child really resemble his/her parents?

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we love to agree but there are several differences. is there an explation for and against ?




  1. Mostly yes.

    But it skips the generation.

    So chances are it will resemble grand parents.

  2. Well, human body has all the genes... u know 23 pair of chromosomes... well they define everything abt u... and a gene's dominance determines the way you are...

    for example incase of height - a man's height determining genes - if genes responsible for taller body are more dominant than those of a shorter 1...that man grows taller...

    But obviously these factors are also inherited from our preceding generations... n its possible lyk if ur grandfather is tall...but genes in ur father were more dominant for being short...u could have ur grandfather's taller dominant genes.

    This is the best way i can put it up.sorry

  3. The child shudnt resemble the NEIGHBOUR !!!!

  4. As a child receives 50% of his DNA from the mother and 50% from the father, they often do not behave the way either parent does and often does not resemble either parent physically.

    They do often behave and resemble a grandparent, aunt/uncle or even cousins.

  5. I go  door to door sales and i went  to a door and this man look like a man i know, you must be his son and named my Fathers name.and i liked that. and i talk a lot and am kind like my dear Mother was.i can fit into my grandfathers coats well.and i am 6 ft 8" 320lbs.and have a lot of nose hair like he did.and i am Proud of my nose hairs.

  6. Yes there is, We are not peas and even then, things get iffy when you mix varieties. Complexity yields perplexity.

  7. Children do not always resemble the mother or father.

    They could resemble grand parents, aunts,uncles,etc..

    They could resemble a relative from a few generations back..

    The s*x of the child does not matter either because a girl could resemble an uncle or a boy could resemble a great grandmother...

  8. 1)  the Father is not who it is believed to be. Without a paternity test there really is no way to prove who a childs father is. You basically have to take the mother at their word that they did not sleep with any other men who could potentially be the father.

    2) Genetic anomalies. i.e. 2 parents with dark hair create a child with light hair.

    My guess is that the father is someone else.

  9. This powerful DNA analysis technology is currently in use by forensic scientists, crime laboratories, and medical examiners worldwide.

    Due to genetic resemblance children can be traced bak to thier biological parents. there are so many genetic diseases which are inherited from parents to thier offsprings. Genetic engineering is a very challenging subject now.

    Phenotypic resemblance also exists by which we observe simillar body features with thier parents. However the external features may be affected due to many external conditions like nutrition, handicapped due to injuries, natural contaminants etc.   But genetically a child is a combined signature of the parent unless there is genetic aberrations (mutation).

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