
Does the chloroplast from the seaweed and other plants seep into the sea/ocean causing it to turn green?

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Does the chloroplast from the seaweed and other plants seep into the sea/ocean causing it to turn green?




  1. Netti, you got carried away: this is not the right section for your Q. Try Environment.

  2. I'm not sure, but i think it's the plants as a whole that create that green effect. It might be chemicals in the water too. Not to mention sun light. The sky is blue cause sun light defracts through it (reflecting off the oceans is a myth) maybe something similar happens in water.

  3. This should be put into Geography really - the sea's colour comes mainly from reflecting light not from what is in it - the water itself is clear.

  4. LOL! Everyone is going to be confused at this question...

  5. there are many international organizations which support this theory... they are in process of setting up an ad hoc committee now


  6. No. The green color comes from the seaweed itself and from algae and other microscopic organisms, which are rather plentiful in seawater but generally harmless, except in the case of a red tide (caused by organisms known as dinoflagellates...if the water is any unusual color, whether it be reddish, brown, or even an uncommon shade of blue or green, don't swim).

    Also, different wavelengths of light are refracted differently by water. Red, orange, and yellow light have long wavelengths but are relatively weak, and do not have the power to punch through more than a few meters of seawater. Blue and violet light are more powerful, but have shorter wavelengths and are refracted more quickly. Green light is roughly in the middle of the spectrum and is able to reach the seawater, that is. In freshwater, blue light makes it farther, which gives deep lakes a blue tint.

  7. Only on Feb. 29 of every sequentially fifth leap year, except in cases of acute manta ray infestation, in which case it  occurs off the coast of England on Boxing Day.

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