
Does the color of your eyes determine how well you can see?

by  |  earlier

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i heard recently that the color of a person's eye's may affect how well they can see color. For example, you know how when someone goes blind their eyes get really light blue?

a person with blue eyes see's colors kind of washed out,

& a person with brown eyes see's colors vividly.

i'm not sure if this is right because don't we see through the pupil or whatever the black of our eye is called & not through the surronding color?




  1. i know blue eyes are more sensitive but idk about seeing colors better.

  2. hmmm, not sure. i don't think so though. because my friend has like green eyes and he has 20/20 i dont think it does. maybe it just depends on the person :)

  3. I think you are correct a person does not see color different with different color eyes.

    I have heard through experience that people with light colored eyes are more sun sensitive. which could have an effect on the intensivity of color.

  4. Nope - color does not determine how well you can see.  Light is refracted through the pupil, hits your receptors in the back of the eye, and gets processed by the brain through the optical nerve.  

    The iris expands and contracts depending on the amount of light coming into the eye.  The more light, the smaller your pupil gets to protect your eyes.  The less light and the iris expands to let in as much light as possible to see better.

    Just saw your add - seeing color depends on the cones in the back of your eye.  If you don't have a lot of cones or defects in the cones, then color vision will be effected.

  5. If you want the truth, research it for yourself.  Don't settle for the casual, uninformed answers you usually find here.  The color of the iris doesn't directly affect color vision, but there may well be a correlation between quality of color vision and iris color.

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