
Does the constitution give any body rights to study ?

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philosophy, or is it really easier than the other problems we have in our world




  1. Sure, life, liberty, and the "purfuit of happinefs".

  2. Huh???

  3. A common misconception.

    Actually 'Happineff' referred to Happiness Goodbody, the friendly barmaid

    at Fraunces Tavern. It was originally inserted as a jape, but when they saw how well it scanned, and the unintended pun, they left it in.

  4. I don't think it was ever considered.  Knowledge was so important to the founding fathers, I assume they took it for granted that there might ever be a day when we could not attain it.  But if there's anytime when our "right to study" is being jeapordized it's with each passing day.

    It's funny - in the Soviet Union under Stalin and the Gulag system, a lot of the "banned" texts were still available and regularly circulated in the State Prisons and Prison Camps.  One day, it could be this way in America.

  5. Is it really a "right" to study? Studying is something everybody can do, anywhere. Study people in a coffee shop or animals in the zoo. Attending college and earn a degree is a different story all together. That is, if I am not mistaken, up to the individual states.

  6. Does the pursuit of happiness cover killing children and pulling the wings off flies?  There is no right to study in the consitution. It was left to the states.

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