
Does the country of South Africa depend upon OPEC for their energy sources?

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and what is the current costs for a gallon of gasoline/diesel in your country? Are there any resourceful renewable energy inventors in South Africa that are developing new sources of electricity that will help the country's growing economies to continue to grow?

Thank you,




  1. South Africa imports the majority of its crude oil from the Middle East, with  Saudi Arabia and  Iran as its chief suppliers. Because South Africa is trying to diversify its  sources of imported crude and reduce its dependence on Iranian oil imports, Nigeria is now the third largest supplier of imported oil to South Africa . Other major oil sources include Kuwait,  Russia and  Angola, and Equatorial Guinea .

  2. Sout Africa is not growing "that" fast.

    The main energy resource in S.A. is coal.

    S.A. is one of the largest coal producers in the world.

    Almost all the electricity in S.A. is produced in coal power plants which are on average some of the most inefficient in the world.

    South Africa does not have own renewable energy technologies. The technology is imported, mostly from Europe and renewable energy project receive a co-financing using carbon credits (CDM projects) from developed countries.

    The own technology is mostly the production of liquid fuels (oil) from coal as a result from past embargo against the appartheid government.

    Renewable energy projects in South Africa are mostly in the following categories:

    - hydro power

    - landfill methane recovery

    - wind power

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